Posts Tagged ‘Friends’

karma-funny-quotes‘Friend’, a word which is the synonym of incomparable joy and immense pleasure to one’s life. Thousands of magazines, lakhs of Internet hours and hundreds of movies cannot give that happiness that an hour spent with a friend can give. And I too really value my friends in my life who make my life so beautiful. But there are a few people, I may rather abstain myself from calling them ‘friends’, who make our life miserable, are toxic and are a big time suck.

These kinds of people who pretend to be our friends are more of a parasite. And suck peace, precious time and positivity completely out of our lives.

If you are not sure that a person is worth it or not just watch for these 10 signs in them

  • Pull you down

They say and do such things that pull you down emotionally and psychologically, and financially. And you feel completely drained when you spend time with them.

  • Not supportive

They are the kind of people who believe in the “A friend in need I will NEVER heed”. Rest you know everything about what they do, there is no need to explain any further.

  • Speak behind your back

They always speak behind your back with the others. The moment you leave the place they start bitiching about you. No matter that even sugar and Honey will hide their face when they talk so sweetly in front of you, in their sugar wrapped words.

  • They are opportunists

They need you only when they need you. Areeee I mean they contact you only when the need arises, not to mention, origination of need is on their side.

  • They are jealous

They praise your deeds and things in front of your face but secretly desire that all the good things that belong to you just vanish away.

  • The users/ Parasites

They always want to use your phones, your internet connections, even your business connection, your sources and all your stuff just because all that is available for free. But when their turn comes to pay back everything in terms of friendship, they just disappear in the blink of an eye.

  • The Fashionista

I am talking about those who consider themselves at the highest point when it comes to fashion also places you too at the highest point “but from below”. And constantly points out that you are nothing.

  • They never call you

They never call you or try to meet you. It’s always you who try and go out of the way to have them by your side. But they never ever turn up.

  • They are up to wrong deeds

They are involved in the bad deeds. It’s better to stay away from them.

Never trust them with your secrets. They are the first ones to spread the news.


These types of friends are better termed as toxic friends.

And I am really thankful to those who have been a real friend to me all these years, and request them to hold their place in my heart with all respect and dignity forever and ever and ever.